CUPE Saskatchewan’s municipal workers launch campaign to highlight the important work of municipal employees

CUPE Saskatchewan’s Municipal Employees’ Committee is launching a province-wide digital media campaign to remind people of the important work CUPE municipal employees do in cities, towns, and villages across Saskatchewan.

“We launched this campaign to shine a light on the vital, and sometimes invisible work CUPE members do to keep our communities running,” said Judy Henley, president of CUPE Saskatchewan. “From clearing snow to responding to emergencies, CUPE’s municipal workers go above and beyond to care for their communities.”

CUPE Saskatchewan’s MESC launched their latest digital video in the lead up to Christmas, a time when many municipal employees continue to provide vital services to keep households and families safe over the holidays.

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City of Prince Albert refusing to sign return to work agreement

Tensions remain high on the picket line due to the City of Prince Albert delaying the ratification of the tentative agreement, and their reluctance to sign a return-to-work agreement that would pave the way for more harmonious relations moving forward.

“We had hoped that City Council would have called an emergency meeting to get our members back to work as soon as possible, but this did not happen. Mayor Greg Dionne could have called for an emergency meeting of council with 48 hours notice instead of waiting for the regularly scheduled council meeting,” said Cara Stelmaschuk, Vice President of CUPE 882. “Our membership voted in favour of this agreement over a week ago, but all we are seeing is more delays and threats from city leadership.”

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The Universal Declaration of Human Rights turns 75

On December 10, Human Rights Day, we celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The landmark document enshrines the inherent dignity and rights of all human beings. The UDHR has served as the foundation for an expanding system of human rights protections, inspired many struggles for stronger human rights protections, and calls upon everybody to stand up for human rights. We all have a vital role in protecting and advancing human rights through activism. Solidarity for human rights: Freedom, Equality and Justice for All.

CUPE Saskatchewan reaffirms its commitment to stand in international solidarity with fellow workers and their unions for global justice that protects and advances human rights – including the fundamental right to join a union without fear and to collectively bargain, to bring an end to systemic and deep-rooted inequalities, and to organize and demand better for a more just economy against the growing crisis of affordability and poverty. We need an economy that invests in human rights, works for everyone, and assures human dignity and equal access to public services including affordable housing.

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End Gender-Based Violence at Work Now

December 6 is the 34th anniversary of the 1989 École Polytechnique massacre in Montreal where 14 women were singled out and murdered because of their gender. Among the 14 women who lost their lives in the tragedy was Maryse Laganière, a CUPE member who worked at the school. On the National Day of Remembrance and Action to End Violence Against Women, we honour and remember all those who have lost their lives because of gender-based violence and recommit to taking concrete action to end all forms of gender-based violence. Wear a white ribbon on December 6 as a symbol condemning violence against women and gender-based violence, observe a moment of silence, and attend a vigil in your community.

In Regina on Wednesday, December 6, 2023: Join the vigil beginning at 5:00 p.m. at St. Paul’s Cathedral, located downtown at 1861 McIntyre Street. 

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Win for workers: CUPE 882 votes in favour of tentative agreement

CUPE 882 members representing the inside workers at the City of Prince Albert have voted 81% in favour of accepting the tentative agreement. The union will remain on strike until the city ratifies the agreement, and a return to work agreement has been negotiated.

Mira Lewis, CUPE National Representative said: “Despite the city’s mind games, we were able to reach a deal with real improvements for our members. These gains clearly show what we said in the beginning: if you sit down and talk with the union you can reach an agreement that works for both sides.”

Some highlights of the tentative agreement include:

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CUPE: Breast cancer diagnostic initiative is too little, too late

After over a decade of sounding the alarm on short-staffing, unfilled vacancies and the critical shortage of staff working in diagnostic care, CUPE condemns the inadequacy of the provincial government’s breast cancer diagnostic initiative.

“Shipping patients out of province does nothing to build provincial capacity. It will do little to provide solutions to the hundreds of other patients waiting for testing in every corner of this province,” said Bashir Jalloh, president of CUPE 5430 and a nuclear medicine technologist. “Health sector leaders have been calling on this government to address this crisis for years. Instead, they sat on their hands and have cooked up another out-of-province band-aid solution that will not go far enough to address the issue or help all those in need.”

Saskatchewan has the lowest wages in western Canada for medical technologists, compared to their counterparts in Alberta and Manitoba who make at least six dollars more an hour.

“We are not going to be able to recruit and retain staff without addressing workload and compensation,” added Jalloh. “This government’s only solution to health care waitlists is to send patients to private, for-profit companies that aren’t even based in Saskatchewan. It is unacceptable.”

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Critical shortage of Radiological Technologists risks patient care

In light of ongoing short-staffing, unfilled vacancies and upcoming leaves among medical radiation technologists and nuclear medicine technologists, CUPE is calling for an immediate intervention from the Minister of Health to ensure staffing can be secured to avoid disruptions to diagnostic care.

“For over a decade, we have been sounding the alarm on behalf of our members that provide a vital service in the continuum of care,” said Bashir Jalloh, president of CUPE 5430 and a nuclear medicine technologist. “The government sat on their hands instead of addressing the issue. Now, as waitlists grow, we are at risk of more disruptions of services and communities on bypass for critical care at a time when wait lists are as long as ever.”

Health care providers are especially concerned about the situation at the Pasqua Hospital, where the combination of ongoing vacancies and two upcoming parental leaves will leave the facility with just two of six full time MRT positions filled.

“It is worrying that we are so short staffed at one of our major trauma centers that we may be going on bypass,” added Jalloh. “It is also concerning that we are so close to the opening of the new Urgent Care Centre, but there is a lack of staff in existing positions already.”

There are currently 1,544 Saskatchewan residents on the wait list who have waited more than 90 days for a CT scan. Media reports have highlighted the challenges breast cancer survivors are facing getting urgent testing that could help avoid cancer recurrence or fatal outcomes.

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CUPE 882 confirms bargaining date with the City of Prince Albert

CUPE 882 is pleased to announce they have confirmed a bargaining date with the City of Prince Albert for Friday, November 24 with an additional date set for the following week.

“There must have been some miscommunication on the city’s side as the union was never asked for a meeting on Tuesday,” said Cara Stelmaschuk, Vice-President of CUPE 882. “But we are heartened to see that the city is finally feeling a sense of urgency to resolve this, and we are glad we have a bargaining date secured.”

The union began job action on August 10, with a full withdrawal of services on September 11. This Friday will be the third bargaining date since June 26.

“Our union is ready to reach a deal. We hope that the city comes prepared to negotiate in good faith to reach a tentative agreement that works for both parties,” added Stelmaschuk.

CUPE 882 wants to thank the residents of Prince Albert, and the broader arts community for their ongoing support and solidarity.

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CUPE calls for a long-term plan for long-term care

After the recent reversal on the decision to close the Regina Lutheran Home, CUPE is calling on the provincial government to stop treating Saskatchewan seniors like an afterthought and create a long-term plan for long-term care.

“The closure of Regina Lutheran Home should never have been on the table in the first place,” said Bashir Jalloh, president of CUPE 5430. “We welcome this reversal, but in reality, this mess is just the latest example of this government’s short-sighted and chaotic approach to long-term care.”

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Trans Day of Remembrance 2023

On November 20, Transgender Day of Remembrance, we honour the memories and mourn the loss of all transgender, two-spirit, non-binary and gender non-conforming people who were victims of violence, hatred and discrimination. Let’s remember and work for change to end all forms of transphobic violence and discrimination in the workplace, at home, and in the community. #transdayofrememberance

Trans Day of Remembrance serves as a stark reminder of how much work we still must do – and better allies we all can be – to make our communities and workplaces safer and more inclusive.

We all have a role in supporting gender diversity and inclusion.

Learn more with links to the following resources:

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