
CUPE Saskatchewan is the provincial division of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE). 

CUPE Saskatchewan unites CUPE Local Unions to speak with one strong collective voice and works at the provincial level for legislative, policy, and political change on issues affecting CUPE members and the public services they provide each and every day.

CUPE Saskatchewan Division was granted its charter by the national union on September 24, 1963. The founding convention of CUPE Saskatchewan Division was held on May 30-31,1964 in Saskatoon at the Cavalier Motor Inn. At the time of its formation, CUPE in Saskatchewan represented about 5,000 workers. Today, CUPE membership in Saskatchewan has grown to 30,000.

The Constitution and Bylaws of CUPE Saskatchewan were last amended by the 2024 Annual Convention.

Constitutional amendments included a change to travelling expenses and amendments to expand the use of Small Local Assistance to also attend the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL) convention.

Note: The new travel allowance rate of $0.55 per kilometre and new per diem rates are now in effect as of May 30, 2024.  

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