Newly elected CUPE Saskatchewan Aboriginal Council, from left to right: John McDonald (CUPE Local 4195); Rhonda Akan (CUPE Local 3766); Chyanna Goodwin (CUPE Local 8443); Absent from picture: Jillian Seeback (CUPE Local 5430).
Delegates of the CUPE Saskatchewan Aboriginal Conference elected two new members to the provincial Aboriginal Council on November 8, 2019 in Regina, each for a two-year term ending in 2021. Congratulations to Rhonda Akan (CUPE Local 3766 – Employees of Regina Public Schools) and Chyanna Goodwin (CUPE Local 8443 – Employees of Saskatoon Public Schools).
With elections concluded, the membership of the CUPE Saskatchewan Aboriginal Council for 2019 – 2020 term is as follows:
- Council Member: Rhonda Akan (CUPE Local 3766 – Employees of Regina Public Schools)
- Council Member: Chyanna Goodwin (CUPE Local 8443 – Employees of Saskatoon Public Schools)
- Council Member: Jillian Seeback (CUPE Local 5430 – CUPE Health Care Workers of Saskatchewan)
- Senator and Aboriginal Member of the CUPE Saskatchewan Division Executive Board: John McDonald (CUPE Local 4195 – Employees of the Saskatchewan Rivers School Division)
- Alternate – Aboriginal Member of the CUPE Saskatchewan Division Executive Board: Bonnie Kuppenbender (CUPE Local 4195 – Employees of the Saskatchewan Rivers School Division)
CUPE Saskatchewan’s 19th annual Aboriginal Conference was held on November 7 to 8, 2019 in Regina. The annual conference is open to CUPE members, and members of other unions, with a focus on equality and rights for Indigenous People in our workplaces and communities.
The Aboriginal Council acts as a resource to CUPE Saskatchewan Division on Aboriginal issues by advising and making recommendations to the Executive Board on Aboriginal issues; carries out the policies and programs of CUPE Saskatchewan; recommends and/or prepares resource material and a list of speakers on aboriginal issues; establishes Aboriginal peoples’ place within CUPE Saskatchewan; works for the integration of Aboriginal perspectives in CUPE’s work; discusses Aboriginal issues occurring across the province; promotes National Aboriginal Day – June 21; develops working links with other Aboriginal organizations, unions, like-minded groups and other CUPE Saskatchewan Committees; acts as an advisor or facilitator regarding labour/Aboriginal concerns, and forwards issues to the National Aboriginal Council.
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