CUPE united with teachers: Class size and complexity are priority issues for learning, bargaining table

With the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation (STF) announcement of further job action and an Advocacy Day on Thursday, February 1, 2024, CUPE remains united with teachers to improve public education after years of Sask. Party government underfunding and cuts.

“The Sask. Party has created a crisis in education by their failed record of underfunding and cuts, and now they are failing to negotiate with teachers on the concern we all share with learning conditions. It’s time for the Sask. Party government to end their disrespect and return to the bargaining table ready to meaningfully discuss class size and complexity with the STF. It’s time for the Minister of Education to listen to the concerns of teachers, echoed by thousands of education support staff, students and parents,” said Judy Henley, CUPE Saskatchewan President.

Public education is at a breaking point after years of underfunding and cuts by Scott Moe and the Sask. Party Government. Saskatchewan went from first to second lowest per-student funding in Canada under the Sask. Party government, taking a toll on learning conditions and education staff morale. Teachers, along with CUPE education support workers, have witnessed the impact and are standing up together for the needs of students.

“CUPE education support workers across this province are united with teachers in their demand to address class size and complexity through collective bargaining. The Sask. Party must finally learn a lesson in respect: collective bargaining for working conditions is a right of all workers, and access to improved learning conditions and supports for students is the right thing to do,” said Omar Murray, chair of the CUPE Saskatchewan Education Workers’ Steering Committee.

CUPE represents over 7,000 education support workers in Saskatchewan’s K-12 education system and 31,000 members delivering a variety of public services across the province.

We encourage all CUPE members to show their support for the STF by participating in the online Advocacy Day, sharing posts on social media, or attending an event near you. If you are an education support worker and have questions about how the STF job action might impact you, please reach out to your local union.

Click here register for the STF Advocacy Day.

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CUPE disappointed with news of staffing reductions at the City of Prince Albert

The unions representing inside and outside municipal workers at the City of Prince Albert were notified that over 20 CUPE positions across the organization will be eliminated.

During recent budget deliberations, the city assured the public that their primary goal was to minimize tax impacts on residents without compromising existing services,” said Cara Stelmaschuk, recording secretary of CUPE 882. “No one saw these layoffs coming, and it flies in the face of what both workers and the public were told during budget deliberations.”

All city workers have been offered a buy-out to incentivize early retirement. The union is worried that staffing reductions will have a negative impact on municipal services.

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CUPE Saskatchewan stands with the STF

The Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation has announced a one-day province-wide strike on Tuesday, January 16. CUPE Saskatchewan stands with the STF and supports their demands to negotiate on class size and complexity, and to fight for better working conditions and wages.

CUPE represents over 7,000 workers in Saskatchewan’s K-12 education system. We encourage our members to show their support for the STF by sharing posts on social media or attending an event near you.

If you are an education support worker and have questions about how the STF job action might impact you, please reach out to your local union.

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Apply for a CUPE Saskatchewan Standing Committee by January 26, 2024

Are you interested in serving on a Standing Committee of CUPE Saskatchewan? Further your union involvement and activism – apply today!

Applications are being accepted for the following vacant position:

  • LGBTQ2+ member – Committee Against Racism & Discrimination

Apply by January 26, 2024. Click here to complete the CUPE SK Standing Committee Application for Appointment Form. CUPE members in good standing of affiliated Local Unions who identify as LGBTQ2+ are eligible to apply.

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CUPE education support workers express deep concern over the Sask. Party government’s “specialized support” classrooms announcement

CUPE education support workers, the frontline professionals working closely with complex needs students, are expressing significant reservations following the recent announcement by the Sask. Party government regarding the introduction of “specialized support” classrooms.

“This announcement has sparked concerns amongst our members, as there was a lack of consultation and justification for the selective inclusion of certain school divisions, leaving a vast majority of students without any tangible support,” said Omar Murray, chairperson of the CUPE Saskatchewan Education Workers’ Steering Committee. “As the backbone of student support services, education workers are alarmed at the absence of clear information regarding additional resources and funding to sustain these initiatives.”

CUPE education support workers emphasize the urgency of addressing the broader issues within the education system, such as chronic underfunding and resource shortages, which have a direct impact on the quality of support provided to students. The reduction in funding to school boards and the elimination of crucial resources, including psychologists and counsellors, have created a challenging environment for both students and staff.

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Call to CUPE Saskatchewan Convention 2024

The 2024 Annual Convention of CUPE Saskatchewan will be held from March 13 to 15, 2024, in Saskatoon.

A reminder to all CUPE locals that Wednesday, February 7, 2024, is the deadline date for early registration, hotel block bookings, award nominations, child care registration, and resolutions or constitutional amendments to be submitted.

The official Call to Convention 2024 package with delegate credential registration information was sent to CUPE locals in December 2023. Convention registration is done through the credential forms your local received. For questions, please contact the CUPE Saskatchewan office at 306-757-1009. CUPE Saskatchewan offers financial assistance to small Local Unions with a membership of 50 full-time equivalent members or less to participate in the Annual Convention.

For more information, visit the: CUPE Saskatchewan Convention 2024 Hub

Display space is limited, and exhibit table and booth requests must be made by February 7, 2024.

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CUPE Saskatchewan brings comfort and joy to kids

This holiday season and for a third year in a row, CUPE Saskatchewan President Judy Henley and CUPE 5430 Health Care Workers President Bashir Jalloh launched the union’s presenting sponsorship of the Regina Leader-Post Plush Bear program which gifts huggable plush toys to children in hospital and in ambulances throughout the year. The delivery of this year’s supply of plush toys sponsored by CUPE Saskatchewan took place at the Regina General Hospital pediatrics unit and was featured in the Regina Leader-Post this holiday season.

When children are sick in hospital and experience a medical emergency, CUPE 5430 health care providers are there to care for them – along with plush toy gift from CUPE Saskatchewan to provide comfort and a new huggable friend to help them through their experience receiving care.

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Season’s greetings and a brighter New Year for justice

Thank you to all 31,000 CUPE members on the frontline delivering public services across Saskatchewan that provide care, enrich people’s lives, and strengthen our communities. To the many CUPE members on the frontline caring for us and keeping our public services going through the holidays – Thank You! On behalf of the Executive Board and staff of CUPE Saskatchewan, we wish everyone a safe holiday season and a happy, healthy new year.

As 2023 draws to a close, we reflect on a year of action for pay justice and sounding the alarm on the Sask. Party government’s deliberate underfunding and privatization of public services that are negatively impacting students, patients, communities, and the dedicated workers on the frontline of our public services.

Members of CUPE Local 882, the inside city workers of Prince Albert, showed their courage and resolve to fight for pay justice with the strike concluding on December 11, after 85 days on strike. When workers stand united in solidarity for justice and stronger public services, we can make the next year brighter. We extend our solidarity to all workers striking and braving lockouts in their courageous efforts to secure more justice and fairness. Their courage and resolve makes progress for all workers.

This is a critical moment for public service workers across the province to make progress, secure real wage increases, and demand fair funding for public services.

CUPE members are on the frontline of our public services, and we must take more action to defend them at the bargaining table and in our communities.

Read the full year-end message:

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Webinar: Woman. Life. Freedom. Defending women’s freedom in Iran & Canada

Hosted by the CUPE SK Global Justice & Women’s Committees, join this webinar on January 9, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. with featured special guests to hear more about the Iranian peoples’ mass uprising for women’s equality and human rights — and what we can do to show solidarity with this struggle. 

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Workers unite for a fair deal: North East School Division staff vote overwhelmingly in favour of job action

In an unprecedented show of solidarity, members of CUPE 4875 have voted overwhelmingly in favour of job action, with a 91 percent majority and voter turnout exceeding 70 percent.

“The resounding mandate from the workforce sends an unequivocal message to the employer: the time for fair treatment and equitable conditions has come,” said Judy Henley, president of CUPE Saskatchewan. “Workers at North East School Division deserve to make as much as workers in neighbouring school divisions and earn wages that keep up with the skyrocketing cost of living.”

As negotiations continue, CUPE 4875 remains committed to their fight for a fair deal, fair wages, improved working conditions, and the recognition of the essential role their members play in the success of the school division.

“We are united, and we are ready to fight for a fair deal. The overwhelming support for job action shows our collective strength and determination in these negotiations. We call on the employer to get back to meaningful negotiations, address our concerns and prioritize the well-being of these workers that keep our school division running, said Debbie Dufault, president of CUPE 4875.

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