CUPE concerned about impact of ongoing reorganization at Pioneer Village on residents, families and workers

Members of the Canadian Union of Public Employees are raising alarm bells about the latest reorganization at Pioneer Village.

On November 25, 2019, CUPE representatives were in attendance as the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) met with Regina Pioneer Village (RPV) employees affected by the notice of workplace reorganization. During this presentation, SHA disclosed that there will be a reduction in beds and consolidation of programs due to the serious nature of mold found in the facility.

“At this point it is unclear where the government plans to move residents, and what the impact will be on our members,” said Sandra Seitz, president of CUPE Local 5430. “CUPE remains committed to supporting our members, and advocating for residents, during this difficult time.”

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CUPE Local 7667 votes to reject EPCOR’s latest offer

Members of CUPE Local 7667, workers at Regina’s P3 wastewater treatment facility, have voted with a 69% majority to reject the latest offer.

Since the wastewater treatment facility transferred operations from the jurisdiction of the City of Regina to the private contractor EPCOR, staffing levels have decreased and the workload for members has increased.

The Local 7667 bargaining committee has met four times with the employer since July 2019 and has been fighting for a fair collective agreement for our members.

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Many CUPE Education Support Workers not safe in Saskatchewan Schools

The CUPE Education Workers Steering Committee has released a new report highlighting the increasing levels of violence facing workers in the K-12 education sector. Over 1,000 CUPE education support workers from across Saskatchewan participated in a confidential violence survey.

“Our members across Saskatchewan are facing unacceptable levels of violence in our schools. Budget cuts, increased classrooms sizes, and more students with complex needs are leading to more violent incidents,” said Jackie Christianson, Chairperson of the Education Workers Steering Committee and an education assistant at Regina Public School Board. “It’s clear the ongoing exposure to this violence is taking its toll on our workers, both physically and mentally.”

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Official Call: CUPE SK Convention 2020

Delegates from CUPE Locals Unions across the province will gather together at the Annual Convention of CUPE Saskatchewan on March 4 to 6, 2020 in Saskatoon, SK.

The official Call to Convention 2020 package was sent to CUPE Local Unions affiliated to CUPE Saskatchewan Division via regular mail. If your Local Union has not received a convention package by Friday, November 29, 2019, please contact Jodi at the CUPE Saskatchewan Division Office by phone 306-757-1009 to update your Local Union’s mailing address. Convention registration is done through the credential forms your local received by mail with the convention call package.

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Education Support workers at Regina Public Schools file for impasse

Talks between the Regina Public School Board and CUPE Local 3766 have broken down, and the local has filed for an impasse.

The local has been bargaining for over two years. Progress at the bargaining table has stalled, despite a strong 95 percent strike mandate from the local.

“We presented a fair deal to our employer that reflected our beliefs. It is disappointing that our employer continues to refuse to remove their bargaining concessions,” said Jackie Christianson, president of CUPE Local 3766. “It is our hope that a meeting with the mediator will happen, and we will be able to reach a fair deal with our bargaining efforts.”

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Town of Tisdale stalling bargaining process: CUPE Local 777-2 files for impasse

CUPE Local 777-2 has served written notice to the Town of Tisdale and the Minister of Labour Relations and Workplace Safety that the Union and the Town have reached an impasse in the current round of negotiations.

“The current round of negotiations has been challenging. It has been difficult to get the Employer to devote adequate time to negotiating, and they have shown little interest in discussing any of our proposals,” said Janice Janzen, CUPE National Servicing representative. “In order to reach a deal in a timely matter, we initiated a voluntary mediation process. However, after less than one hour of mediation it was clear we had reached an impasse.”

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CUPE 5512 ratifies tentative agreement with Prairie South School Division

Members of CUPE 5512 have voted with a 71 percent majority to ratify a new collective agreement with Prairie South School Division.

“We want to thank all of our members for staying strong and united through a difficult round of bargaining. The gains we made at the table would not have been possible without the strong strike mandate from our members and your ongoing support,” said Dale Smith, president of CUPE Local 5512.

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Workers at Saskatoon water and wastewater treatment plants vote to reject second offer

Members of CUPE Local 47 have voted for the second time to reject a tentative agreement with the City of Saskatoon.

Local 47, which represents 130 workers at Saskatoon’s meter shop, water, and wastewater treatment plants as well as environmental protection officers, conducted a ratification vote during the week of November 4, 2019. During this vote, the majority of members rejected the city’s offer.

The local has been without a contract since January 1, 2017 and is the only city bargaining unit still negotiating for this time period.

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CUPE SK Aboriginal Conference 2019: United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples should be the minimum standard to ensure past is not repeated, urges guest speaker Wes George

Guest speaker: Wes George

Delegates to CUPE Saskatchewan’s Aboriginal Conference 2019 heard from a guest speaker born and raised in Saskatchewan with first-hand experience in the development and adoption of the United National Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) . Wes George (Kaskitew Wikihew Kapapamahat) was born in Whitewood, Saskatchewan and now resides on the Ochapowace Reserve on Treaty 4 territory, working for over 29 years at the United Nations with extensive involvement around UNDRIP, along with involvement in the Final Report of the International Treaty Study and a co-chair of the Global Indigenous Peoples’ Caucus that negotiated the development of the UN Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples among the many highlights in his career so far.

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CUPE SK Aboriginal Conference 2019: Tackling racism is all our business!

Guest speaker: Brenda Dubois

“If you’re doing it in my space, it is my business,” said guest speaker Brenda Dubois about tackling racism.

Dubois is the Kokum at the University of Regina Aboriginal Student Centre and spoke to delegates of CUPE Saskatchewan’s Aboriginal Conference 2019 about the benefits of intercultural and inter-generational exchange to strengthen our workplaces and communities.

“Be gracious with the life you have,” encouraged Dubois.

Dubois encouraged delegates to focus on building respectful, caring relationships.

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