CUPE Saskatchewan: There is no space for hate

Today, CUPE Saskatchewan issued the following statement responding to the so-called “1 Million March 4 Children” protests scheduled to take place across Canada this week:

“There is no space for hate in our classrooms, our province, and our hearts. CUPE Saskatchewan condemns this week’s protests that seek to spread anti-trans hate and undermine the rights and dignity of the 2SLGBTQI+ community. As Saskatchewan’s largest union we unequivocally condemn the hateful anti-2SLGBTQI+ protests known as the ‘1 Million March 4 Children’ that only cause harm to youth, and we call on the Government of Saskatchewan to do the same.

The Sask. Party must be held accountable for contributing to the rise of hate with its harmful anti-trans and anti-education policy that dangerously places marginalized youth at risk of violence and ostracization, opens the door for non-consensual outings, and limits information to protect students’ health. The government is using the term ‘parental rights’ attempting to disguise an agenda of hate and intolerance. A provincial government that panders to far-right hate and disinformation must be challenged. Hate has no place in Saskatchewan.

Instead of harmful and dangerous policies that falsely pit parents against public sector workers delivering education, the government has a responsibility to ensure safe and inclusive spaces for students and every Saskatchewan resident they serve. The term ‘parental rights’ is being falsely used to protest 2SLGBTQI+ inclusive education policies in the classroom.

On behalf of over 30,000 CUPE members delivering public services across Saskatchewan, we say loudly and proudly today and every day: there is no space for hate in our classrooms, our province, and our hearts.

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CUPE’s National Executive Board stands with CUPE 882

CUPE Saskatchewan and CUPE’s National Executive Board stands with CUPE 882 members who have been on strike for fair wages since September 11. The local represents over 100 inside workers at the City of Prince Albert.

“Over 715,000 CUPE members from across the country stand with Prince Albert municipal workers. We want each of our members that are out on the line to know they are not alone, and that Canada’s largest union has your back,” said Judy Henley, President of CUPE Saskatchewan and General Vice President of CUPE National.

The longer the picket line – the shorter the strike. One day longer one day stronger!

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Over 100 inside workers at the City of Prince Albert are on strike as of Monday morning

The City of Prince Albert has refused requests to return to the bargaining table since the end of July. As a result, CUPE 882 members will be exercising their rights for a full withdrawal of services.

“This is the first CUPE job action in over 12 years in Saskatchewan, and the first strike in CUPE 882’s 70-year history,” said Cara Stelmaschuk, Vice President of CUPE 882. “It is unbelievable that the city has refused to meet with us to negotiate a fair deal.”

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City of Prince Albert rejects union’s latest offer to get back to the bargaining table

In an attempt to reach a deal before a full withdrawal of services, CUPE 882 submitted a new offer of settlement on Friday.

“Based on the limited costing information provided by the City on Friday, the union reduced the monetary costs of our proposal by reducing additional duty pay and vacation entitlements, and re-directing our wage improvement proposal,” said Mira Lewis, CUPE National Representative. “We put forward a reasonable offer which we believed would be a good starting point for re-opening discussions. However, on Sunday afternoon, the employer rejected the union’s latest offer and continues to refuse to negotiate with us.”

“CUPE 882’s bargaining committee is ready and willing to sit down at the table and do the work needed to reach a deal before the strike deadline,” added Lewis. “A deal cannot be reached without both sides talking to each other.”

Workers at the City of Prince Albert have been working to rule since August 10 by refusing to train management, co-workers, and contractors and ignoring dress codes. The union gave notice that it plans to move forward with a full withdrawal of services on September 11, 2023.

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CUPE welcomes new members at Phoenix Residential Society

Sixty-seven workers at Phoenix Residential Society in Regina are the latest members to join the Canadian Union of Public Employees.

Phoenix Residential Society staff work at providing psychosocial (psychiatric) rehabilitation services to persons in Regina with psychiatric disorders, concurrent disorders (psychiatric & substance abuse) and persons who are chronically homeless, persons with acquired brain injury (ABI) and other cognitive disabilities. The staff who work at Phoenix HOMES program provide immediate access to housing for individuals who are chronically homeless along with intensive support services once in housing.

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Labour Day 2023: Unions now for a fair future!

On Labour Day, we are reminded of what workers’ unions can achieve when we mobilize and take action. Labour day began and continues as a demonstration of workers’ power joining together to secure a better, fairer future. From the right to join a union and workers’ movement to demand a shorter work day and week in the very beginnings, to health and safety standards and many more rights often taken for granted, to the many challenges we face today, workers united in solidarity will always be the driving force for justice and improving the lives of workers.

This Labour Day arrives at a time of many more recent and current strikes as workers around Canada and the world say enough is enough to massive wealth inequality, corporate greed, and government underfunding and privatizing. We must all show our solidarity with courageous workers taking action through strikes to raise the bar for everyone!

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CUPE 882 members vote to reject the city’s last offer vote

CUPE 882 members representing the inside workers at the City of Prince Albert have voted to reject the employer’s last offer vote.

The city asked the Saskatchewan Labour Relations Board to conduct a vote on their last offer to the union. Ballots had to be received by August 24 and were counted on August 29.

“The results are clear: our members will not settle for the city’s lowball offer. We demand that the city come back to the table prepared to negotiate a fair deal,” said Cara Stelmaschuk, Vice President of CUPE 882.

CUPE 882 has been in a legal strike position since August 10, 2023 and has been working to rule including refusing to train managers, co-workers, and contractors and dressing down by foregoing dress code policies, conventions, and standards.

“The union will be meeting to discuss next steps, but a full withdrawal of services will be in the cards if the city does not provide bargaining dates immediately,” concluded Stelmaschuk.

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Rally in Prince Albert to support municipal workers

CUPE’s National President Mark Hancock attended a rally at Prince Albert City Hall to show support for CUPE 882 members. Over 70 members and allies were in attendance to call for the city to get back to the bargaining table.

“CUPE 882 members work hard to provide the residents of Prince Albert quality public services. We keep the City of Prince Albert running. We help you pay your bills, keep your kids safe at pools and playgrounds, and support crucial city operations. And we deserve wages that keep up with inflation,” said Cara Stelmaschuk, Vice President of CUPE 882. “Enough is enough. If the Mayor and City Council can give themselves wage increases that account for inflationary pressures, they should be willing to offer the same for their workers.”

The City of Prince Albert is asking their inside municipal workers to accept offers that are well below the rate of inflation and amount to a wage cut. Meanwhile, between 2017 and 2021, compensation for the Mayor and City Council has increased by 20%, more than double what CUPE 882 members received during the same period.

“We want to make sure that this mayor, council and management know that it is our members who make this city run,” said Mark Hancock, National President of CUPE. “To this mayor and council – it isn’t just the members of CUPE 882 you are taking on – you are taking on all of the CUPE members in Saskatchewan and you are taking on all 715,000 CUPE members from coast to coast.”

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Henley: The Sask Party has just traded the safety of children in Saskatchewan schools for political cache

CUPE Saskatchewan calls on the Sask Party government and Minister of Education to rescind its policy announcement of August 22, 2023, and engage in meaningful consultation.

The following statement by Judy Henley, President of CUPE Saskatchewan, was released in response to the announcement by the Minister of Education Dustin Duncan.

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