Today, CUPE Saskatchewan issued the following statement responding to the so-called “1 Million March 4 Children” protests scheduled to take place across Canada this week:
“There is no space for hate in our classrooms, our province, and our hearts. CUPE Saskatchewan condemns this week’s protests that seek to spread anti-trans hate and undermine the rights and dignity of the 2SLGBTQI+ community. As Saskatchewan’s largest union we unequivocally condemn the hateful anti-2SLGBTQI+ protests known as the ‘1 Million March 4 Children’ that only cause harm to youth, and we call on the Government of Saskatchewan to do the same.
The Sask. Party must be held accountable for contributing to the rise of hate with its harmful anti-trans and anti-education policy that dangerously places marginalized youth at risk of violence and ostracization, opens the door for non-consensual outings, and limits information to protect students’ health. The government is using the term ‘parental rights’ attempting to disguise an agenda of hate and intolerance. A provincial government that panders to far-right hate and disinformation must be challenged. Hate has no place in Saskatchewan.
Instead of harmful and dangerous policies that falsely pit parents against public sector workers delivering education, the government has a responsibility to ensure safe and inclusive spaces for students and every Saskatchewan resident they serve. The term ‘parental rights’ is being falsely used to protest 2SLGBTQI+ inclusive education policies in the classroom.
On behalf of over 30,000 CUPE members delivering public services across Saskatchewan, we say loudly and proudly today and every day: there is no space for hate in our classrooms, our province, and our hearts.