Lori Johb addresses CUPE Delegates: “With stronger unions comes stronger solidarity”

CUPE Saskatchewan convention delegates were greeted by the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour President Lori Johb. The SFL, which represents over 100,000 unionized workers in Saskatchewan, has been instrumental in supporting CUPE members pushing back against Scott Moe’s attacks on public service workers.

Johb highlighted the rise in workplace hazards, especially in the education and health care sectors, are directly related to the Moe government’s underfunding, understaffing, and undermining public service workers. “Their attacks on public education, especially on teachers and other education workers, has directly resulted in assaults and harassment for workers in public schools. They don’t care about public education,” she said.

She went further to highlight the scandals, criminality, and conflicts of interests plaguing Moe’s Sask. Party MLAs demonstrate the hypocrisy of their tough on crime rhetoric. “I’m pissed off, and I hope you are too.”

Johb stressed that the alternative to Sask. Party corruption is the NDP and Carla Beck.

In a moment where labour is under attack in all sectors of the economy, building solidarity is more important than ever. Johb stressed the need to keep building solidarity, especially with UFCW workers in Moose Jaw who have been locked out by their employer for over 10 months, as well as the teachers now on strike to protect public education.

To help build a movement to unseat Scott Moe and the Sask. Party, the SFL has launched a political action campaign called Speak Up Saskatchewan. Johb thanked CUPE Saskatchewan members already taking part, and invited delegates to sign up if they haven’t already.

“I believe trade unions are strongest when we work together,” she concluded.
