Thousands rally for libraries at Drop Everything and Read events across Saskatchewan

CUPE members joined over 4,000 people in over 70 communities participating in “Drop Everything and Read” actions on April 7, 2017, to stand up against the devastating library cuts from the provincial government.

In the latest budget, Brad Wall and his Sask Party government cut 58 percent for regional libraries and completely eliminated funding for libraries in Regina and Saskatoon.

CUPE represents over 700 library workers across Saskatchewan and many have already been impacted by the funding shortfall. Members have been given pink slips at Parkland Regional Library, Palliser Regional Library and Southeast Regional Library. More cuts are coming at libraries across the province.

This pan-Saskatchewan event was the largest day of action in recent Saskatchewan history. People from all walks of life rallied at MLA offices, in front of libraries, and in community spaces.

The fight to save Saskatchewan libraries will continue.

People who are concerned about the cuts are encouraged to contact their MLA, download the various petitions, and stay informed at

To view the pictures,click here.

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