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Unions of Regina Community Christmas Dinner
December 18, 2018
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The Regina & District Labour Council (RDLC) along with affiliated Unions and Community Partners, the United Way Regina, Delta Hotel Marriot Regina and UNIFOR 651 will be hosting the 18th Annual “Unions of Regina Community Christmas Dinner”for Regina’s less fortunate residents.
This annual event feeds over 1,200 people who may not receive a hot meal for the holidays.
When: Tuesday December 18, 2018 4:00 PM Arrival.
Where: Delta Marriot Hotel 1919 Saskatchewan Drive in Regina
Need: Volunteers up to 120, link to sign up: www.unitedwayregina.ca/2018_christmas_dinner_volunteer_registration
How to donate:
If your Union or Association decides to partner with the Regina & District Labour Council to sponsor this event, Please make your cheque payable to the:Regina & District Labour Council
Please indicate on the cheque’s information line that it is for the “Community Christmas Dinner Fund”.
Contributions should be confirmed and/or received by December 11, 2018.
Mail or deliver cheques to the:
Regina & District Labour Council
Christmas Dinner Fund
Attention: Kevin Fischer – Treasurer
2709 12th Avenue
Regina, SK S4T 1J3