Mark Hancock delivers a message of strength through the union at the CUPE Saskatchewan convention

CUPE’s National President, Mark Hancock delivered a powerful message today to delegates at CUPE Saskatchewan’s annual convention in Regina.

“We are in a moment of fear, division and uncertainty,” said Hancock. “Not just here in Canada but all across the world. The election of Donald Trump has changed things for all of us. We can’t change who is in the White House, but we can choose how we respond.”

Hancock emphasized that Saskatchewan is in a tough spot because rather than standing up to Donald Trump, Premier Scott Moe is bowing down to him. Scott Moe has chosen to throw Canadian workers under the bus and hope the bully decides to pick on somebody else instead. Instead, he is turning his back on workers. All across Saskatchewan, the Sask. Party government is making life harder and harder for working people.

“Workers need a strong union now more than ever before and CUPE, Canada’s largest union, with over 750,000 members, is ready to stand up for workers and defend public services,” added Hancock. “The world is shifting beneath our feet and so much of what we value is under threat by the far right. Whether it’s Donald Trump in the United States, or Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre here at home, there is a common thread between the threat we’re facing. Both Trump and Poilievre want to divide us.”

Hancock reiterated that CUPE has a huge role to play in this moment to ensure workers have a strong voice.

“To ensure we push back against the calls for austerity and the far-right rhetoric that is endangering our communities. To stand up against Donald Trump’s threats to our country. To stand up for our public services and our communities. To fight for an economy that puts workers first. Friends, all of that work starts with us.”
