CUPE Saskatchewan kicks off Time for Change Tour

“The Premier has had enough chances – it’s time to fire Scott Moe”

At a meeting of over 70 local presidents and executives representing 31,000 members, Saskatchewan’s largest union launched its Time for Change Tour – its biggest-ever summer of outreach to mobilize members and encourage Saskatchewan people to vote for change in this year’s election and fire Scott Moe.

“Workers are facing a cost-of-living crisis and Scott Moe has done nothing to help Saskatchewan families. In fact, he’s chosen to make it worse,” said Kent Peterson, president of CUPE Saskatchewan. “Workers have been gouged by Scott Moe’s unfair tax and utility rate hikes while being short-changed by his cuts, deficits, and failure to create good jobs right here in Saskatchewan.”

CUPE Saskatchewan will organize or participate in over 60 events in every corner of the province this summer, talking with workers about voting for change.

“People are tired of Scott Moe’s cuts, contracting-out, disrespect, and low pay for workers,” added Peterson. “Instead of working to improve the public services people rely on, Scott Moe has broken our health care system and created chaos in Saskatchewan schools. The Premier has had enough chances – it’s time to fire Scott Moe.”

The Time for Change Tour includes events throughout May, June, July, August, and September and will encourage voters to continue the conversation throughout the fall election by signing-up at
