May Day 2024: Workers united for fair wages, stronger public services!

When workers organize and unite, we can make real gains for fairness, dignity, and advance justice. CUPE Saskatchewan joins in solidarity with workers and their unions around the world actively engaged in collective bargaining and strikes, mobilizing and empowering workers to take political action, and organizing for fair wages, safer and better working conditions, and stronger public services! The Labour Movement is the bedrock of just and democratic societies.

The inequalities of a broken global economic system are not inevitable and must be actively challenged through workers’ solidarity, activism, and mobilization. For too long we have witnessed a growing cost-of-living crisis, unchecked corporate greed, declining wages and purchasing power while profits soar, and years of public services being long starved of funds, understaffed, and public service workers undervalued. The need for greater action and solidarity is more urgent than ever to defend workers’ rights, protect and strengthen our public services, and demand a more equitable, fair future!

May Day is a time to reflect on the power of workers’ solidarity and how, through unions, workers have fought and won hard, enduring struggles to bring decency, fairness, and safety standards to our work and improved living standards in our community.

Solidarity with all workers from CUPE Saskatchewan!

Workers, united, will never be defeated.

May Day Events:

Regina & District Labour Council events:

Saskatoon & District Labour Council events:

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