CUPE: Another provincial budget that fails workers

If Scott Moe won’t do his job, it’s time for him to find a new one

Today’s provincial budget failed to invest in fixing Saskatchewan public services, the health care crisis or our broken education system. After over a decade of privatization and cuts to public services, Scott Moe has shown Saskatchewan people he does not care about workers and is not fit for the top job.

“Budgets are about choices, and Scott Moe has again shown us that he does not value Saskatchewan’s public services and the working people that deliver them,” said Kent Peterson, president of CUPE Saskatchewan. “Year after year he makes budget promises to Saskatchewan people he has no intention to keep. It’s crystal clear, Scott Moe can’t be trusted.”

Today’s provincial budget failed to make concrete investments to address class size and complexity or add capacity to Saskatchewan’s overwhelmed long-term care system. The promised health care investments are meaningless without a plan to increase staffing levels and retain the health care workers in the existing workforce. The provincial budget also failed to invest in public services that have suffered from years of cuts and privatization.

“The promises we heard from Scott Moe today are worth less than the paper they are printed on,” added Peterson. “At every opportunity he’s shown us that he’s not interested in fixing health care, our broken education system, or building back Saskatchewan public services. If Scott Moe won’t do his job, it’s time for him to find a new one.”

CUPE Saskatchewan’s 31,000 members provide services in health care, education,
municipalities, universities, community-based organizations, childcare, libraries, boards
and agencies, and social services.

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