CUPE Saskatchewan’s Year in Review: 2020-21

2020 was a year like no other. From the very beginning, CUPE members have been on the frontlines of the pandemic in Saskatchewan, going above and beyond to provide vital public services and direct care to patients, long-term care residents, and the vulnerable. In many cases, CUPE members went to work every day putting their health and lives at risk.

The pandemic may have changed the way we fight for workers, but it didn’t stop us! We remained a provincial leader in standing up for workers’ rights through political action, elected progressive candidates, and found new ways to do what we have always done – improving the lives of members, everyday citizens, and building strong communities.

In 2020, it was our members who stepped up to make it possible!

Watch CUPE Saskatchewan’s Year in Review 2020-21 Video, originally shown at the first-ever virtually held annual convention on March 11, 2021.

Published by the Division Office /n.m. Cope 342